Wayne township school calendar 2017-18
Wayne township school calendar 2017-18

wayne township school calendar 2017-18

Frequent bathing neither prevents head lice nor eliminates the infestation. Many people have the impression that a person becomes infested with head lice because s/he is unclean. There is a small chance that head lice will spread because of sharing items such as combs, brushes, and hats. The main way head lice spread is from close, prolonged head-to-head contact. We have also included general information for your reading pleasure. In accordance with school corporation policy, we are required to share our pediculosis policy with the public on an annual basis.

wayne township school calendar 2017-18

Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year! I look forward to 2017! As always, I am honored and thankful to serve you and your students as the principal of Danville Community Middle School. I’m reminded how fortunate we all are with the opportunity to share in this gift. There is no greater gift than to have a positive impact on a child’s life. We look forward to continuing to work together as a team to provide your child with the best educational experience here at Danville Community Middle School. On behalf of our staff, we hope you have a great winter break with your children, family, and friends. Please be sure your students know to set their first alarms 2017 for Tuesday morning instead of Monday. Monday, January 2nd is a NON-STUDENT attendance day. School will be closed from Monday, December 19 through Monday, January 2nd. I am positive we will see a higher student passing percentage based upon this year's work.Īdditionally, there are a few items to remember as we welcome in the year of 2017. While I am very proud of our students and staff for this accomplishment, I would like to see our actual student performance playing a larger role in the overall score than it did this year.

wayne township school calendar 2017-18

They then take those scores individually and multiple them by. student growth in performance from the previous year (growth score of 115) actual student performance on the ISTEP+ test (73.6% passing)Ģ. Well, we can officially share the good news that Danville Community Middle School earned a school grade of an A from the Indiana Department of Education! The grade is determined by two factors:ġ.

Wayne township school calendar 2017-18